So, we have eaten our own body weight in food (some would say this is a skill, a pure talent in fact, all on its own). We have had late nights, perhaps drank too much and spent mornings and afternoons sprawled out on the sofa, and it has been absolutely wonderful. The only thing we had to worry about was how many alternative sandwiches we could make with left over food.

Now as the celebrating officially ends and the New Year is in full swing, we adopt our resolutions and attempt to get back on track. And the kind of track I’m referring to here is the one you run on.

Going for a jog has so many benefits that can help to improve your physical health as well as your mental health. It’s free and can also be fun. To give you a bit of inspiration, here are four (of the many) benefits of a good ol’ fashioned jog.


It’s free! It’s free! It’s free!   

Now is the time of year when gyms take full advantage of our best intentions. They know that a big percentage of us vow to go six times a week and actually only go once before quitting altogether and forgetting to cancel our contracts. But, with the wind in your hair and your own personal route and apps like Runkeeper the world is yours and it won’t cost you a single penny.

Healthier heart and lungs

And who doesn’t want that? Your heart is pumping faster and your lungs are working a little harder so by regularly jogging you’re actually increasing their aptitude. It’s not only good for the heart and lungs, but also reduces the risks of other not-so-nice things that we don’t want. For a more scientific insight and some surprising statistics have a read here.

Release the endorphins

Ever heard of runners high? Well it’s a real thing. Runners high has a lot to do with endorphins and all of that good stuff, it makes you feel really good inside, motivated and fearless, almost to the point that you can hear your own superhero theme tune playing loudly as you cross your imaginary finish line. Once you experience it, it makes going for a jog that bit more special.

Have some ‘me’ time

Or do it with a friend, whatever works best for you. But jogging on your own, setting up a playlist to fit your mood and being out in the open is a great way to make sense of your thoughts. We are busy; it seems like there is always something to worry about, and always something we must remember to do. Jogging lets you put all of that on hold for a moment and just feel calm and at ease with your own thoughts.

Still need some convincing…head over to and check out their guide which has ton of amazing fact and top tips on the heath benefits of running.


About the author

After graduating with a degree in Publishing, Journalism & Media Tasha spent a term studying Music Journalism and Creative Writing in New York and also took a short course in Fashion & Beauty Journalism at LCF. While on her travels in Australia she jumped 14,000ft out off a plane and passed out half way down (ha!). When she’s not travelling, reading or writing she spends most of her time floating in her own colourful imagination.

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