
I find it so easy to sit with our clients and help design them a Semple dress and yet when it came to designing my own, I went blank! I suddenly felt this flush of pressure to design THE ‘perfect dress’ but then it dawned on me that this is how our clients feel when...
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I am fascinated with how four lines, that once denoted a number now symbolise a campaign, a protest, a call to action. The # hashtag has become a noun, a verb that can be conjugated, an adjective or adverb that adds meaning, a polarising political slogan, a viral social movement – and an indication of...
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Growing up, writing your wants and wishes to Father Christmas on Christmas Eve was a necessary and excitable tradition for many of us. While a pony or the new BMX undoubtedly topped many a child’s Christmas List, it was the act of writing down your favourite things and leaving it beside the fire with a...
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Some of you might remember that a few years ago I wrote a letter to my future daughter. Well today I was thinking about how often we see pieces of writing like this amongst women, yet there is little addressed to our sons. Journals and life lessons written for her, for one day, imparting our...
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Although as I type this, it is a beautiful Sunday afternoon with the blazing sun making a much-welcomed appearance over the Bank Holiday weekend, I can’t help but think ahead to the AW trends. With the temperature creeping up to the mid-twenties over the past few days, it certainly seems premature to be dreaming of...
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country life
What is it that makes us city dwellers or country bumpkins? Is it through nurture or nature that we decide upon the location in which we hope to settle down, work and raise a family? As a true country girl, I got to thinking about our different preferences and wondered what makes us put down...
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make your bed book
With so much trash and junk floating around in this space we call the internet, it is a rarity these days to stumble upon anything which strikes a chord. But sometimes, if we look hard enough, hidden amongst the trolls, the cat videos and the relentless memes which flood our feeds, we’ll find something that...
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Surrounded by photographs and magazine adverts of women looking beautiful with their no-makeup-looks, we are now in an age where we are constantly reminded of what ‘beauty’, on the face of it, looks like. Even growing up, there were the popular and pretty girls at school, surrounded by puppy dog-eyed boys and envious stares. At...
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Who do you turn to when you have a problem or an issue you need advice with? Do you ponder it over yourself and shy away from troubling others with it? Do you talk it over with your other half, or reap the benefits of your parents’ wisdom to determine the best course of action?...
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Following a lovely visit to the North Norfolk town of Holt last weekend, it got me thinking about the beauty of local and independent shops. We are wholeheartedly spoilt here, not only in this region, but all over the UK. From family-owned bakeries and independent cafés to wild and remote garden centres and unique boutiques, there is...
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