
Last weekend, I caught the last half an hour of It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s one of my favourite Christmas films. A true nostalgic classic that always reminds me of family Christmases when I was younger.  Starring James Stewart, Donna Reed and Henry Travers as Clarence Odbody, it is a heart-warming tale, even in those...
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We thought about time so differently growing up. We would wish our lives away waiting for that birthday party, that holiday, or that Christmas for that present. We would be wishing we were older too. Old enough to buy makeup, to vote, to buy alcohol or be able to go out and party. I always...
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With the busy lives we now lead including working overtime, hectic social lives, making time to see family, catching up on the latest TV series and having time for our favourite hobbies, it can seem that life sometimes passes us by.  We get so caught up in having time to do everything that inevitably we...
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We’ve all heard about the benefits that gardening can bring. One of mindfulness, peace, happiness and purpose, amongst many others. As a child, my brother and I would spend hours in our garden – climbing trees, making forts, looking for ants’ nests and playing hide and seek. During your teenage years, this sense of adventure...
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sentimental value
Sentimentality is such an evocative feeling and yet, I don’t think we truly experience it until we grow older. As children, we often lack the empathy to really appreciate memories and belongings – we may miss our favourite forgotten toy but it rarely goes deeper than a few tears before we become attached to another...
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Growing up, you tend to have an idea of your life on a timeline, mapped out in front of you with each successive milestone marking a new momentous occasion or point in your life. At 18 whilst studying at university, I believed that my life would be on track by the time I reached 25....
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Despite persistent inequality between men and women in our society, the achievement of women’s right to vote was a big step towards bridging that inequality, moving this country away from the sexism, prejudice and bigotry of an aggressively patriarchal society. Women were legitimate people who deserved a say in politics and an opinion on how...
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You can’t Botox your ovaries; it’s a sentence I read the other day that has stuck with me. It’s been playing on my mind and I can’t shake it. The article itself focused on the argument that women should consider starting a family soon after graduating from uni in order to diminish the risk of tackling...
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Now a days every day is national something or other day; from Coconut Torte Day to National Plant a Flower Day, we’ve embraced these crazy traditions. Most recently we celebrated National Napping Day and that is one holiday we can get on board with, as any day that encourages us to catch a few extra winks...
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Is there an in between? One of my biggest inspirations is a close friend of mine. Not only is she a wonderful person, she is also an ex Olympian athlete who owns more medals than anyone I know and is about to finish a degree that she studied for while training for the biggest event...
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