I’ve lost count of the times I’ve set my alarm for a 6am gym session before giving myself a pre bedtime pep talk to follow through tomorrow. Yet without fail as the clock strikes six and the sound of my dreaded alarm screeches in my ear I roll over and turn it off, immediately drained of all enthusiasm; last night’s promise to sweat it out before breakfast a distant memory.

I then tell myself that it’s no big deal and that I’ll get a run in on my lunch hour. I really mean it at the time, I assure you I do, but as you could have guessed by the time lunch rolls around there is always something more pressing to take care of: an article to finish, a client phone call to take or an episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to watch; you know priorities!Gym

And so it goes, another day, another let down.  Because I’m not a member of a gym I’m not losing out on money by flaking out on my workouts and because I generally work out alone I’m not letting anyone down either, so it become all to easy to give up. But all I’m really doing is letting myself down. That’s why I decided that I needed some motivation; something to get me off the couch and hitting the pavement.


Let me introduce you to ‘Booty Campers’ a group of friends and mothers who have taken it upon themselves to take back control, to put truth in the phrase “no gym no excuse” and build the bodies they want; motivating each other to push ourselves to the limits and make working-out social and fun rather than a boring drag. Every week we assemble, all shapes, sizes, abilities; mats in hand, body pump playlist at the ready and we take over a local park where we sweat till we can’t sweat no more.



Come rain or shine we complete a mixture of sprints and hit workouts. We laugh, we cry and we support our sisters in their quest to get fit. We sweat and we hurt but we keep on going because working out together is the best motivation you can get. Goodbye 6am wake up failures hello Booty Campers.


If you to find that your workouts seem to always slip down the priority list then I urge you to set up camp with a group of mates, if only once a week, and promise each other this; you’ll show up, give it all you’ve got and then some and that you’ll push each other and you’ll do all of this together, because those who workout together stay together. Here’s to all you booty queens out there, you’ve got this!

About the author

At 5ft 1 (and a half) Sophie may be small but she is certainly fierce. After finding out she was dyslexic at the age of seven she made it her life’s mission to wage a war against words and carve a career out of a craft she admired so much. Hard work, determination and a lot of journals later, Sophie graduated with a degree in journalism. Her obsession and love for the written word has seen her as Editor at Semple to now blogging her way around the world. She’s irrationally angry, partial to a LARGE glass of chardonnay and has an intolerance for most people.

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