It seems in the modern world we live in, our concept of what is deemed as healthy can become easily conflicted. There’s not a day goes by that you don’t see one ridiculous article or another claiming that we should eat more of one food type and then none of others. As if eating solely one food group is going to solve all of our dieting issues!
Fad diets come and go but they still leave their ever lasting mark on our bookshelves, and whilst we skip from one idea to another it’s easy to forget that what we’re striving for on the outside is not as important as what’s on the inside. We all have our own body hang-ups that we try to solve with diet or exercise, but food and fitness does so much more than make us look good in that bodycon dress. The impacts of what we eat can cure us as well as make us ill, and it seems that this is often forgotten in our search for the perfect body.
Long before you could purchase tablets for your ailments the cave men simply had food, and that’s exactly what doctors should be prescribing more of today. Foods such as oats and blueberries can help to battle depression, one of the most common forms of mental health in today’s society, and dark chocolate and dates are a soothing remedy for the simple sore throat!
We need all food types more than you can possibly imagine and the truth is despite the vast amount of information that’s now available to us on the Internet, we’re uneducated in exactly how food can benefit our bodies in a more holistic manner. It’s lazy of us to just believe what the papers say rather than taking an active approach to actually do the research ourselves. We can be misguided as a nation when it comes to food because we’re put against it on a daily basis as if it’s the enemy. But it’s the cure we should be harnessing.
Rather than indulging our bodies with drugs that only a doctor can understand we should combine both modern medicine and the benefits of food to give our bodies the best chance of long term health. We hate to repeat the words of Gillian McKeith but we are what we eat, and if we continue to fuel our bodies with rubbish we’re going to look and feel rubbish, but if we nourish our bodies with the food that it needs to survive our bodies will utilise it, repairing wounds faster, giving us better brain power and making us feel more positive.
The entire human race has evolved thanks to food, so a healthy diet is not something to be scoffed at. The next time you’re feeling under the weather, find out the foods that can guide you on your way back to health, and you might be surprised at just how much better you feel for trusting in food.