
mental health
More than ever, I think this is the time of year where we need to put ourselves first. Following on from Mental Health Week, it’s been a highly topical subject, but self-care should be important all year round. Although with the nights now drawing in and the rain continuing to fall, I feel it’s a...
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Although still stigmatised mental health is something that is being increasingly discussed and understood in popular media, and our society. In recent years celebrities have been coming forward to discuss the battles they’ve had with their own mental health, to help bring to light just how important it is to understand these issues and how...
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The Pill Vs Men
Having recently decided to come off of the contraceptive pill, for no other reason than I refuse to continue to pump my body with a foreign chemical each and everyday, I have been compelled to talk about it. Exactly three weeks ago I quit the progestogen only pill (also known as the mini pill or...
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I had a minor nervous breakdown over the weekend, figuratively speaking of course. I don’t know what an actual nervous breakdown feels like, but I imagine that it’s much worse than what I went through. It began on Friday, a jittery, dark feeling that was with me when I woke up. I’m not too good...
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Yesterday I participated in a radio show discussing the issues surrounding the topic of mental health. It was a real eye opener to find out how many lives are affected by mental health illnesses. Speaking to professionals and specialists in particular areas made me realise a lot, specifically that stigma around the subject needs to be...
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It seems in the modern world we live in, our concept of what is deemed as healthy can become easily conflicted. There’s not a day goes by that you don’t see one ridiculous article or another claiming that we should eat more of one food type and then none of others. As if eating solely one...
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facebook likes
When a young acquaintance of mine recently admitted to purchasing Facebook likes in order to be deemed as a pretty girl at school, my heart sank. I’d heard a lot of stories from teacher friends of  mine about the damaging impact that social media was having on teenagers mental health, but it wasn’t until this...
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