
Recently things have been a little up in the air for me. I came home from travelling and found that it wasn’t as easy to find my dream job as I had first hoped. So I settled for a dead-end one to make the rent, while I spent laborious hours filling out applications and trawling the Internet for that elusive opportunity that never quite seemed to make itself known.

Day after day and failed interview after failed interview I slowly I began to give up on ever finding something that I loved, and to add insult to injury the bedroom my boyfriend and I share at my parents house all of a sudden seemed claustrophobic and overbearing. Twenty-six years old and here I was opening post and filing paperwork for a living and with pretty much nothing to my name. It might sound dramatic, and perhaps it is a little, but I had never felt more trapped. Things weren’t moving forward for me and once you have flown across the world and had your mind blown it’s much harder to go back to old dimensions, let alone dimensions you would have never dreamed would be your reality. I’m a creative person. I need to feel alive while I work. I need to feel free and when I don’t have that part of my life fulfilled the rest of it doesn’t seem to make much sense.


There were real moments when I considered throwing in the towel for good, but with some pep talks from my family and friends and the utter stubbornness that has always been there below the surface finally fighting its way through, I once again believed that giving up was not a feasible option for me. And almost at the exact moment I decided to change my attitude good things started to happen. I was offered two jobs and in my newer, happier state of mind my boyfriend and I even made plans to move out into our own home.


What I have learnt during all of this is that you must never give up. Even when all you really want to do is buy two bottles of red wine, head home to drown your sorrows while you desperately feel sorry for your pathetic self. And while there is plenty of merit to wine drinking in a life crisis, please what ever you do, do not give in to the negativity; give yourself a break, breathe deep and think positive, because it really will all come good in the end. Life’s funny like that – it will test you, it will push you and then it will reward you all at once. But only if you are open to the possibility and only if you are willing to fight.

About the author

At 5ft 1 (and a half) Sophie may be small but she is certainly fierce. After finding out she was dyslexic at the age of seven she made it her life’s mission to wage a war against words and carve a career out of a craft she admired so much. Hard work, determination and a lot of journals later, Sophie graduated with a degree in journalism. Her obsession and love for the written word has seen her as Editor at Semple to now blogging her way around the world. She’s irrationally angry, partial to a LARGE glass of chardonnay and has an intolerance for most people.

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