
In a world fraught with responsibilities, time restraints and commitment, it’s becoming harder and harder to take time out. To think about what you need to carry on, make you happier, better at your job, a better friend or simply more relaxed day-to-day. Whenever I catch up with friends, I feel as though we always...
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Reaching your late twenties can be a funny time when it comes around. It slowly creeps up you, having spent most of your early twenties planning what you’ll be doing and how you’ll have everything figured out by the time it does. You’ll have the great, well-paid job, the house – albeit with a huge...
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During our school days, it seemed so much easier to make – and keep – friends. Perhaps it’s our simple outlook or lack of worries and jealously. While we may have fallen out with one another during break time because we didn’t share our chocolate brownie, we would always make up by the time lunch...
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How many times have you been asked to do something, at work or otherwise that you feel you are just not qualified to do? My guess is a lot, and let me tell you, you’d be in excellent company! That sinking feeling that you just aren’t quite good enough and that any day now your...
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Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don’t. – Mary Schmich As children we spend our days in defiant battles, fighting off man-eating sharks...
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A good friend of mine, India Martin published an article on her LinkedIn page recently entitled The Real Cost of Being an Entrepreneur. In it she gives an honest account of moving from corporate to entrepreneurial life sharing her vulnerabilities, the sacrifices made and the risks taken. It’s worth a read. One thing India didn’t...
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There’s a famous quote that says “choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” and while that might very well be true, I believe that sometimes there’s merit to working a job you hate; at least for a while! The allure of following our dreams, of waking up each...
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Growing up, you tend to have an idea of your life on a timeline, mapped out in front of you with each successive milestone marking a new momentous occasion or point in your life. At 18 whilst studying at university, I believed that my life would be on track by the time I reached 25....
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At the age of 20, the career I have ahead of me is inevitably exciting. As an ambitious person I am forever excited by the potential opportunities that await me and this is what motivates me to work harder day by day. But inevitably as we grow older, some of us are faced with an...
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As a fresh faced, post GCSE teen ready to take on the world, my drama teacher imparted five very special words onto me: “Don’t Dream It, Be It”. And while I was fully aware that he was quite probably writing those same five words into every other leavers book he signed, it did not deter...
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