
Some of you might remember that a few years ago I wrote a letter to my future daughter. Well today I was thinking about how often we see pieces of writing like this amongst women, yet there is little addressed to our sons. Journals and life lessons written for her, for one day, imparting our...
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Earlier this week one of our bloggers wrote about imposter syndrome: the frightening and often debilitating feeling that our achievements aren’t worthy of the praise they garner. This incredibly sad, yet nonetheless real affliction is affecting an alarming number of talented women, leading them to feel like actors in their own careers – playing the...
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How many times have you been asked to do something, at work or otherwise that you feel you are just not qualified to do? My guess is a lot, and let me tell you, you’d be in excellent company! That sinking feeling that you just aren’t quite good enough and that any day now your...
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Although still stigmatised mental health is something that is being increasingly discussed and understood in popular media, and our society. In recent years celebrities have been coming forward to discuss the battles they’ve had with their own mental health, to help bring to light just how important it is to understand these issues and how...
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The recent attack on a Christmas market in Berlin has, so far, left twelve people dead and many more seriously injured. Though the identity and motives of the perpetrators remains unknown to the general public, this is yet another suspected terror attack, an attempt to shatter peace and cause as much heartbreak as possible. There...
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the giving keys
“It’s our responsibility as humans to take care of each other. It’s our duty as humans to care for people when we are weak and broken.” – Caitlyn Crosby, Founder The Giving Keys was born from a simple idea; find something that gives you strength and when it has healed you, pass it on to someone...
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In daily life, many of us struggle internally with some kind of insecurity. We put up a facade and attempt to embody confidence in order to help us get through our routine but when the day ends, we are still left with the little niggles we dislike about ourselves and the things that make us...
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Nearly everyone is partial to a cute, fluffy animal, whether your home is populated by a menagerie of pets or you just enjoy watching cat videos on YouTube. Choosing a career in animal care, whether zookeeper or vet, is a massive and daunting prospect that few of us undertake. After all, seeing any animal at...
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where's the love
It was in 2003 that The Black Eyed Peas released ‘Where Is The Love?’ a song that shot straight to number 1 in 13 different countries; the power of the song at the time was palpable, standing out as a welcome relief from the trivial messages of partying, drink and sex that flooded popular music....
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Despite living in a world full of fantastic people and great opportunities, we often become accustomed to assuming the worst in every given situation. Whether it be someone gazing at us for a little too long on the train and making the assumption that they’re staring to be hostile, or experiencing the sinking feeling in...
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