As more and more of us become embroiled in the 9-5 routine, even more of us are finding a solution and setting up a small business. Earlier this year, it was quoted that an average of 660,000 private businesses are set up every year – that’s around 70 new ones being started every hour. Where does this need come from then? Is it to replace the monotony? To have something that you’re in control of? Or a creative outlet? Perhaps it’s a ploy to stop working for someone else altogether and be your own boss?

For me, I struggle with the inflexibility of working a standard 9-5 job. I feel lucky to be in a creative role, but it is the rigid structure and lack of ‘home-time’ I find difficult. The weekends simply whizz by and you’re looking forward to just 25 days holiday a year if you’re lucky. 

Time goes far too quickly as it is, without doing something you don’t enjoy. Or, I should say, not doing something you do enjoy. The trouble is, with so many of us looking to escape this commercial and impersonal routine, the small business market is slowly becoming saturated too. More and more of us are thinking about running a tea shop or baking cakes, taking up photography or selling our knitted creations on Etsy, that it feels like it’s getting harder to be seen there too.

The important point to note though, is that this shouldn’t stop you. If you have an idea, what’s stopping you from doing it? As long as its original and something that’s yours that you truly enjoy doing, there’s no reason why it can’t work. While you may not be in a position to leave your day job right away, who knows what might happen in the future? It’s just about taking a chance, that leap of faith, and seeing where it gets you. 

What’s the worst that could happen?

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