So you’ve finally signed yourself up to the gym. You‘ve put your name on that dotted line for a new fitter life and envisaged yourself turning into a toned goddess within weeks. You’ve notified the office feeders of your new healthy lifestyle and you’ve purchased all the trendy gym gear your credit card will allow. But then the fear sets in. What if everyone at the gym looks like a super athlete and you like the pasty couch potato. What if you forget how the treadmill works and become a viral video? What if you see someone you know?

CoventVIL_0001_1Go on face your fear

Gym intimidation, or ‘Gymtimidation’ as we like to call it, is a common fear that we can all relate to at some point on our journey for a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’re a ‘January Joiner’ or just giving it a go, nobody likes to be known as the newbie, let alone look like one. And whilst everyone else seems to know each other and know what they’re doing, you’ve got your head down hoping you don’t get recognised with a face full of sweat.

bikeDo it in the dark at GymBox 

With the overpriced fees and the ‘perfect people’, there’s a lot that can put you off joining the gym. But the truth is we’ve all been there. Even the gym class groupies were new once. Starting the gym can have such a positive impact not only on your body but also on your outlook on life.

tone and twerkTone N Twerk your way to a better booty at GymBox

Tossing the ‘she’s new’ glances aside make it your mission to prove to them that it doesn’t matter what they think. You’re there to do this for yourself and no one else. Don’t do it to look good, to get a boyfriend or to prove yourself to anyone. Do it to make yourself feel good. Do it for you!

The gym is a great form of therapy. Whether you’re having a bad day at work or things aren’t going your way drag yourself to the gym, because you know as soon as those endorphins kick in you can conquer the world. Don’t let anyone put you off your goals because you just never know what you could achieve. Now go and kick gymtimidations butt.

Lizzie Benton

About the author

Lizzie is a UK Fashion and Lifestyle blogger based in Peterborough. After spending 5 years in the beauty and fashion industry, Lizzie now enjoys sharing her thoughts and experiences on all things, from fashion to fitness. With a life goal of owning a shoe closet that will rival icon Carrie Bradshaw, Lizzie believes that shoes can help women have the confidence to conquer the world!

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