So here it is, welcome to 2015. By now you’ve probably been bombarded with people saying ‘new year, new me’, claiming their diet starts tomorrow and ramming their New Years resolutions down your throat even though you didn’t ask. I only wish that for once, people would step outside of themselves and start working towards a better year for everyone.

Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 12.17.20Flying the flag for change

Last week on December 28th 2014 Leelah Alcorn, a transgender 17-year-old from Ohio committed suicide and left her suicide letter on her tumblr. Her heartbreaking letter explains that her death was the cause of her parents and many others who refused to accept her. If this is the first you have heard of this, I urge you to read all about her story here . Although her story has made the news worldwide, she has been countlessly misgendered in numerous news articles, even her mother continues to refuse to accept Leelah as her daughter claiming, “I loved my son, but we don’t support that.” I’m not quite sure what would be so hard to support if it meant your child being happy and healthy? If you can’t entertain the idea of having a LGBT child you simply shouldn’t have 2

Image: For a Leelah

Although Leelah’s death was a tragic end to 2014 I hope that her story will spark conversation on this topic adding fuel to the equality movement and we can work towards a society that is open and accepting to others like Leelah in 2015. We’ve been saying ‘it gets better’ for a while now, it’s time to start making that happen – this year educate yourself on the LGBT community and promise that you’ll be the change our world needs to see.

Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 12.19.50Image: The It Gets Better Project

By Talia Maguire

About the author

Talia has a keen interest in all aspects of media; you’ll find her writing about anything from feminist issues, alternative fashion trends and the hottest films and television programmes of our time. She’s our resident vegetarian who isn’t scared to take a bite out of trending topics and get to the bones of it all. Talia loves photography, caffeine and baking, but you’ll also find her on our Semple Magazine photoshoots filming behind the scenes. And if you’re ever in need of a funny viral video to get you through your working week, she’s your girl!

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