It’s ok to change the direction you want to go in, to start again. As people, we evolve; constantly. What we may have liked a year ago may not excite us like it did many moons ago. Perhaps a person that you placed on a pedestal doesn’t look so tall anymore and the light that once shone behind them has turned into an overwhelming dark shadow. As we grow so do the pages that make up who we are, we discover so much about ourselves. What we like, what we dislike.
Sometimes we even surprise ourselves when the aspirations and goals we once had in life just simply don’t seem so appealing anymore. What we were once incredibly and lovingly loyal towards just becomes something you used to know. Like times with an old love, you still hold the memories but you don’t want to relive them because you know it’s not right for you anymore. And that’s ok, we do not have to apologise for blossoming, mentally, or emotionally.
We aren’t supposed to be stagnant. In such a vibrant world full of wonderful and colourful opportunities, change is a welcome one. We are complex beings with a number of layers and interests that spark a light inside us. We do not have to be restricted to one thing. If there are a multiple number of desires and interests that fill our mind, then why not strive to achieve as many as we can?
We often find making excuses a lot easier to reside in the same lane we’ve known. Maybe the thought of monthly direct debits leaving your account with no idea when money will be going in is enough to keep you there. Or maybe you have told yourself you will start in the new year, all the while knowing that when the clock strikes twelve your Monday will be the same. Maybe the very thought of starting something from scratch is a daunting one, too suffocating to imagine a new beginning.
In the time we have dwelled on the frightening aspects of changing direction, we could have already progressed in that field, with no regrets. Change is scary because we get used to what we know, but when we confront the ‘what if’s’ head on we climb a ladder of self-empowerment and self-fulfilment. And no one ever ends up regretting that.