
At what age do we develop an interest in fashion? Is it from the age of eight – or perhaps as young as six – when we ask for some new clothes or decide purple is now our favourite colour? Or is it on our first ‘mufty day’ at school when we long to have...
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burkini ban
Women’s bodies have always been a battleground in one way or another. Married women regained their possession of their own bodies during the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th and in the 1960s we gained the right to choose if we didn’t want to bring a new life into the world....
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In a world where going to university is often seen as wiser choice compared to opting out, school-leavers can often feel huge amounts of pressure when making the big decision. Throughout secondary school we are very much encouraged to attend university in the future as we all dither on our career options at a young...
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For me there is nothing better than going out to eat, whether it’s for brunch with my girlfriends on a lazy Sunday morning or a date night somewhere fancy with my significant other. Sitting with people I love catching up over good food and great wine is one of life’s little pleasures, it’s something I...
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It’s ok to change the direction you want to go in, to start again. As people, we evolve; constantly. What we may have liked a year ago may not excite us like it did many moons ago. Perhaps a person that you placed on a pedestal doesn’t look so tall anymore and the light that...
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