In a world fraught with responsibilities, time restraints and commitment, it’s becoming harder and harder to take time out. To think about what you need to carry on, make you happier, better at your job, a better friend or simply more relaxed day-to-day.

Whenever I catch up with friends, I feel as though we always utter the same words. “Oh I’m fine, just tired.” Or, “things are great at work, I’ve just got so much to do!” Or something along the lines of “I need to learn how to switch off” or ‘I’m just so busy!’


It seems that in today’s society, being busy is good. In fact, your importance or career is often deemed on par with how busy you are. The busier you are, the better your job must be and so the more successful you are. When did having time to relax, to wind down become such a bad thing? Why do we always have to be doing ‘something’? Is it to prove to people that we’re popular? In demand? Have a hectic social life? Are simply oh so important? Or, dare I say, is it for Instagram?
Sometimes, in work and in life, it’s important to say no. To know when we have enough work to do or have enough on our plate. To have a weekend with no plans so we can do what we want to do. To be selfish, lazy, binge watch a tv series or read an entire book. No, it’s not ‘instagrammable’ – but it’s real life and sometimes, it’s needed.


Amidst the glossiness of social media where everyone is busy being busy and eating out or off on holiday – it’s important to remember that this isn’t possible all of the time. Having an hour or two, an afternoon or an entire day to sit back and think, ‘Today I’m going to please myself and do what I need to do to unwind’ is pretty heavenly. While it seems this balance is becoming harder and the pressure to partake becomes greater, it’s necessary to remind yourself that without taking this time, you won’t be able to enjoy the other stuff either.

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