
Time Out
We thought about time so differently growing up. We would wish our lives away waiting for that birthday party, that holiday, or that Christmas for that present. We would be wishing we were older too. Old enough to buy makeup, to vote, to buy alcohol or be able to go out and party. I always...
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A subject much publicised in the media in recent years, taking time for ourselves and looking after our mental health is more important than ever. It’s a topic that resonates with all of us too and something that can affect us in all walks of life. It seems today, we are all just too busy....
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In a world fraught with responsibilities, time restraints and commitment, it’s becoming harder and harder to take time out. To think about what you need to carry on, make you happier, better at your job, a better friend or simply more relaxed day-to-day. Whenever I catch up with friends, I feel as though we always...
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There is not much this girl does not know about fashion and even has been a consultant and lecturer on the subject. She has managed to fit in an illustrious career in only a few years. As an intern at Grazia, Grace was recommended for the job at the fashion features desk at InStyle and...
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