
work life balance
In a world fraught with responsibilities, time restraints and commitment, it’s becoming harder and harder to take time out. To think about what you need to carry on, make you happier, better at your job, a better friend or simply more relaxed day-to-day. Whenever I catch up with friends, I feel as though we always...
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zen lotus
I was speaking with one of my friends yesterday and she started telling me about her new lease of ‘Zen’. This reinvigorated outlook, originally stemming from a self-help book, has taught her how to take control, how to make more conscious decisions and how to live life with a more positive attitude. While books such...
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We’re all too familiar with the saying, time flies when you’re having fun. Throughout my childhood, it was a phrase used much more frequently as I sat longing for the summer holidays to last just one more week, or wishing that the school disco didn’t have to end on the dot at 9pm. Looking back,...
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At the age of 20, the career I have ahead of me is inevitably exciting. As an ambitious person I am forever excited by the potential opportunities that await me and this is what motivates me to work harder day by day. But inevitably as we grow older, some of us are faced with an...
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For many, holidays are a form of escapism from the stress of real life, a small getaway to remind us that life can be kind to us. Holidays are needed to keep a sense of sanity and something to look forward to. It’s just a shame they always seem to be over so quickly. We’ve...
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Women: the ultimate multitaskers. Taking on more than one job at a time, one after another is within our nature. It’s something that we do without a second thought (even if it is online shopping whilst getting through a whole bottle of wine). Being busy and hardworking is a positive trait to have and it makes us...
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Is there an in between? One of my biggest inspirations is a close friend of mine. Not only is she a wonderful person, she is also an ex Olympian athlete who owns more medals than anyone I know and is about to finish a degree that she studied for while training for the biggest event...
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Choosing to travel with my boyfriend was an easy decision for me. Why wouldn’t I want to experience all the world has to offer with the person I love most in this world? It was simple for me, I didn’t want to have the experience at all if it wasn’t going to be with him....
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We all spend so much time working and trying to make a success of our lives in one way or another that it can sometimes feel like a work to life balance is a mythical story. But the truth is, the rat race can leave us feeling exhausted, ill and even really unhappy. Despite the many...
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