“Sophie stop frowning!” It’s the sentence I heard so often that it may as well have been my strap line. I frown while I work, while I workout, while I eat and even while I sleep. I’m not even aware I’m doing it most of the time and over the years my frown has led to some pretty impressive forehead lines. Heavy set furrows above my brow have left me looking permanently annoyed and much older than my years. I’m 27 – granted I’m not a teenager anymore but I’m still pre-thirties! I have no children to accuse and no overtly stressful career that can take the flack; just myself to blame.botox

Stopping frowning would seem like the logical step for most people, but however hard I tried my face would eventually fall back into its screwed up ways and only exasperate the issue. For years it has bothered me; makeup sat cakey in the cracks of my forehead, people constantly commented on how tired I looked or were concerned I was worrying about something terrible and when I’d have to just turn around and go “oh no this is just my face” it got me down. So last month, finally fed up with my wrinkly forehead, I took things into my own hands and made a decision that has shocked a few of my peers – I had botox!

Cue the gasps and the onslaught of commentary…”Why would you do that?”, “You’re far too young”, “You’ll get hooked you know”, “You’re gonna look crazy and fake!”. I never quite realised that botox would cause such a reaction. It’s not a new concept after all and we live in a world where perfection is key. Everyone one around us is seeking the next thing to keep ourselves youthful or looking our best; from acrylic nails, hair extensions and fake tans, every one of us is in someway guilty of using the tools around us to adopt features we weren’t born with in order to feel better about ourselves. Now I understand that cosmetic procedures are a little different to sticking some coloured plastic tips onto your nails beds or baking yourself under some UV lights; botox isn’t a procedure for everyone, but it really isn’t as outrageous as people have made out. Just like sunbeds, botox will fade over the coming months. Its’ not a drastic, scary permanent change I have made to my face and if you didn’t know me post botox you’d have no idea I’d even had anything done.


My quest to iron out my wrinkles was of course somewhat about vanity but it had far more to do with my confidence. I’m also an adult woman who earns her own money and researched the procedure before hand, choosing a clinic that was reputable and recommended I settled on Estetica in Chertsey. This dental and cosmetic practice is a high-end establishment providing expert treatments and advice. Director, Dr Sina Salimi, qualified from Lund University in Sweden in 1998 and prides himself on providing the highest level of service, at affordable prices using the most advanced techniques and technologies. Dr Sina’s expertise and friendly clinic has seen Estetica grow to be one of the busiest practices in Surrey and I wouldn’t have chosen anywhere else.



After a consultation to discuss my concerns and my expectations I underwent the treatment which took all of five painless minutes. Within three days the effects were noticeable and my lines had vanished before my eyes. Botox can take up to 10 days from the time it is administered to take full effect, after which you return for a follow up appointment to gauge how effective the treatment has been and also top up any areas that still need attention. I’m now on day 15 and I couldn’t be happier with the results. I look fresh and awake, and I feel fantastic. I’m an advocate for doing what makes you feel good, but doing it safely and in the right hands. I’m passionate that the decision I made was the right one for me and I’m going to tell anyone who will listen what Dr Sina has done for me and what he too could do for you.

About the author

At 5ft 1 (and a half) Sophie may be small but she is certainly fierce. After finding out she was dyslexic at the age of seven she made it her life’s mission to wage a war against words and carve a career out of a craft she admired so much. Hard work, determination and a lot of journals later, Sophie graduated with a degree in journalism. Her obsession and love for the written word has seen her as Editor at Semple to now blogging her way around the world. She’s irrationally angry, partial to a LARGE glass of chardonnay and has an intolerance for most people.

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