As the end of the year approaches, we all start to think about what the new year will bring. We wonder what will be on trend; whether we’ll finally have to dye that ombre or start plucking our eyebrows? Will we have to hide our high waisted trousers for another decade? One fad that did take the world by storm this year, that we are not as in control over, is the wonderful big bum. Yes you read correctly, from Pippa Middleton’s bum during the Royal Wedding to Miley Cyrus’s twerking at the VMA’s we have had more than our fair share of bums.
This wasn’t always the popular or ‘fashionable’ opinion. The 1990’s were about being slim with very little curves. My mum even expressed her surprise to me explaining how it used to be in fashion to have small, perk bums. It was so different back then that when her mother once told her she had a big bum she was absolutely mortified.
This is not to say that the previous years haven’t tried to promote it, but something has kicked it off this year and it doesn’t look like it’s stopping any time soon. Where does the story even begin – how about Kim Kardashian breaking the internet? It may not have actually broken the internet but it’s all we can talk about. Or how about Nicki Minaj’s ‘Anaconda’ Video. Then there’s Iggy Azalea alongside the woman who has been the queen of butts for years, Jennifer Lopez.
Our obsession with bums doesn’t stop there. I follow a fair few fitness Instagram and Twitter accounts and they are full of exercises that promise to enhance a certain area of your body. Yep, you guessed it, we can squat and lunge our way to a bigger booty. This trend is different to other body image promotion. Not only are naturally big butts seen as positive, but those who do not have as big an asset as others are not looked down on. We’re actually allowed to have a small bum too and not be considered unattractive. This is a rare occurrence for the beauty industry!?
So, what will 2015 bring? What’s the world going to go crazy over next year? Which celebrity will start it all? It’s always interesting to see how trends and styles come and go and something we didn’t once like we now love. We may even look back on trends in the future and wonder ‘what on earth were we thinking?’ I know my parents do. Bring on 2015.
By Britt King