Twice a year, the talented MSL team publish the Semple magazine. From idea generation to researching themes, from content development to proofing articles, from sourcing models to managing complex photoshoots, the team works hard to produce a magazine relevant to enquiring minds.
In the last three years we have published six magazines and our themes have been varied: Africa, Winter, Women, The Future, The Mind, and Travel. At first glance these topics appear to be broad, and they are, but the team and our associate journalists view their work from a semiotic perspective. The articles pose questions of philosophy, play with language, and challenge the reader to view topics differently.
Our next magazine will be published on the Semple website in early June. I always say that Semple Magazine is for anyone who is curious. If you are a young adult you will like our magazine because of its boldness to be different. If you are older, the magazine content will give you an insight into the motivations of young adults.
No matter what your age, we will be in touch again soon to give you a preview of Semple Issue VII.