Surrounded by photographs and magazine adverts of women looking beautiful with their no-makeup-looks, we are now in an age where we are constantly reminded of what ‘beauty’, on the face of it, looks like.

Even growing up, there were the popular and pretty girls at school, surrounded by puppy dog-eyed boys and envious stares. At that age it seemed to matter more, but venturing into college and the world of work, it is still presumed that beauty will get you places and offer more opportunities, but why? Does beauty equate to confidence, intelligence and success?

With the rise of social media, coupled with the onslaught of YouTube beauty tutorials and beauty brands’ marketing, young girls are in danger of experiencing this world earlier than ever before. It seems that the days of being a geeky 13-year old with unplucked eyebrows and a developing sense of style have been and gone and in their place, stand mature and grown up girls who know their style and how to wear it. 

I’m certainly not saying there is anything wrong with this new wave of teenagers who put my younger self to shame, it’s just that those seemingly lost stages are all part of the process of discovering who you are, establishing a sense of self and ultimately, growing up. Girls – and boys – are so susceptible to what’s popular and what those who are much older than them are doing and wearing now, that it seems almost impossible to slow their carefree days of childhood down.

They are growing up so quickly and in a world that is obsessed by materialism and consumerism, the question is: how do we prevent this attitude becoming the be all and end all? How do we focus the importance on intelligence, charisma and empathy too? Beauty is so incredibly subjective, and, as the old proverb confirms – it will always remain in the eye of the beholder.

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