A new year always starts with the best of intentions, such as, “I will get the gym fit body I always dreamed of” or “this year I will be more spontaneous”. But often our good intents start to go adrift around the end of February. So this year at Semple we are making some style resolutions that we are determined to keep!

 Buy sportswear that is actually for the gym

2014 was dominated by the sports luxe trend. But wouldn’t it be nice to have a strong, healthy body to really finish off the look? This year, alongside our silk joggers, we are going to buy sportswear that we can actually work out in. Thankfully sportswear brands like Nike have cottoned on to the fact that workout gear doesn’t have to be drab and dull.

sportsWork out with Nike

 Perfect the capsule wardrobe

Don’t be mistaken into thinking that we are suggesting you can survive on just a key few items, but taking the time to curate your basic wardrobe will make spending a little bit more on investment, standout pieces all the more worthwhile. If you know you have a good stock of the basic items like good t-shirts, well-fitting jeans etc. then it becomes easier to pick items that complement your wardrobe rather than throwing up more wardrobe dilemmas. However, don’t be fooled into going for quantity over quality; one perfectly fitting white, cotton t-shirt is worth more than five ill-fitting ones.

t wangT by Alexander Wang the best for basic

 Buy it, wear it

We are all guilty of buying items that are then relegated to the back of the wardrobe, never to be seen again. Always try clothes on in store and then again as soon as you get home. Try and be honest with yourself about whether you can really see yourself wearing it; if the answer is “no”, or even “not sure” then leave it in the store.

leannelimBlogger and Instagramer Leanne Lim Walker knows the value of a fitting room selfie when shopping

 Let it go

There is no point hanging on to items that don’t fit or you’ll never wear again – they’ll only taunt you each time you go to your wardrobe. Instead take the time to clear out your closet every few months. This will keep it feeling fresh and you’ll probably discover a few gems that you had forgotten about.

closetMake like Eminem and clean out your closet

 Be true to your own style

When it comes to fashion we can take inspiration from everywhere and in particular from those around us, celebrities or street style bloggers. However, try to always put your own spin on a look rather than copying from head-to-toe. You’ll feel much more comfortable if you are true to your own unique style.

streetStreet style is great for outfit inspo but don’t be a slave to fashion

Let’s hope these are resolutions we can stick to as we approach the new year in style.

By Samantha Vandersteen



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