I have been preoccupied lately with the mood of MSL and by that I mean the personality of MSL. How does it feel about itself? What are the people who work at MSL feeling and how do we capture positive contributions?
With this in mind we decided to create a daily mood board. The team agreed to comment on 3 things and send me their points by 5pm each day. They described something that they saw on their way in to work; one thing that they had achieved and one thing about how they felt. Given that I travel overseas quite a lot, the exercise was a way for us all to feel connected. The result has been wonderful. My team wrote in elegant ways to describe their mood and they have inspired and reminded me about the talents of the MSL team! I thought you would find the following extract interesting.
‘As the train pulled into Feltham station and the carriage came to a halt, a young couple stepped onto the train and took the seats opposite me. As the train began to slowly pull away and my mind was just about to wander, I heard the young couple speak, they looked at each other speaking Spanish. Unable to understand them I found myself creating the conversation in my mind. I closed my eyes and continued to listen to them as I imagined the story of there lives and love, where they had been, where they would be going, I imagined a romantic tryst and forbidden love perhaps, boarding a train running away so they could be together. But as I opened my eyes and looked at the girl she gazed right through me and my story was abruptly shattered. I will never know what was said between the two-but I know her eyes were sad and she needed no words to tell her story.
Today I have learnt that three heads are better than one and that no idea is a bad idea.
Today I feel inspired and encouraged.’
Have a great week.