Hannah Sanzone describes herself as a “fun, caring, social-butterfly with a passion for people”. A graduate from Bath University, Hannah who once studied drama, can now a day’s be found in South East London where she works in events. Hannah haphazardly fell into her career after being introduced to Caroline Jackson Levy in 2009. The two clicked instantly and it wasn’t long before Caroline took Hannah under her wing, offering her a job as her PA in 2010.

Hannah is defiantly a character to wear many hats and no two days are ever the same. Yes a typical day always starts with an early morning and a long commute, but the benefits for working in “a happy office full of laughter” makes the very hard work, all worthwhile. Balancing work and home is a daily challenge, being at someone’s beck and call at work and then making time for family and friends means Hannah has learnt to be very unselfish, “a personal assistant is a very unselfish job that involves a lot of care, passion, ability to learn (quickly!) and to have open arms to anything that may be asked of you.” But its all in a days work for Hannah, It may be a balancing act, but its one she faces with self belief and a confidence she credits entirely to Caroline, “I initially started as a rather uncertain person with a lack of self belief. This showed a lot through the way that I dressed and it was Caroline that truly brought me out of my shell”. All that it took was a gentle nudge in the right direction, some invaluable wardrobe advice and Hannah was transformed into a poised young women, with bags of self worth and a fantastic sense of style.

For all these reasons and more, Hannah includes Caroline as one of the women who inspire her, “Caroline is the most fascinating, personable, humorous and honest woman I have ever had the delight of spending time with”. Hannah also credits the other women in her life, her “fascinating and admirable” Grandmother and her own Mother, a woman she describes as “truthful, beautiful, ambitious and organized” The latter, it would seem, is one trait that has undoubtedly been handed down the generations to Hannah.

Hannah’s life motto is, “buy yourself a pair of unique, beautiful shoes that make you feel a million dollars. Shoes can tell you a lot about someone and also make you feel unconquerable!” So it is not at all surprising that Hannah’s most treasured item is of course a pair of shoes, “My most treasured item of clothing is a pair of shoes that were bought for me for the Asian Awards (An awards ceremony held by Caroline Jackson Levy) this year. They are Hannah’s most treasured gift, as when she wears them she feels “beautiful, confident, striking, and glamorous” In those shoes, Hannah describes herself as “invincible”.

If there is one thing that Hannah has learnt over the years it is that “the way you look doesn’t make you who you are. Don’t hide away and hope that no one can see you. Be yourself and enjoy the people who love you for who you are.” Hannah certainly isn’t hiding away anymore, determined for success and constantly inspired, this is one girl who now walks with her head held high, in fabulous shoes of course!

Sophie Maguire


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