
Working in an office environment can have its pros and cons. Growing up, it’s not usually something that is discussed in schools or career meetings – perhaps because different students will venture off onto different career paths to be doctors, vets, lawyers or entrepreneurs where the fact doesn’t apply. But for those who work in PR, journalism or insurance for example, an office can become almost like a second home.

Working 9-5, 5 days a week, we spend a large proportion of our lives sitting in an office, staring at a screen and drinking copious amounts of tea. This lifestyle, although it applies to so many of us, isn’t always conducive to a healthy lifestyle.


While we are encouraged to get up and walk around regularly, pack our own lunches to avoid costly (and often unhealthy) snacks, and try to refrain from taking our work home with us (only to sit in front of another computer), the reality is not always that simple. In some offices, only a half hour lunch break is given – hardly enough time to step away from your desk, take a walk or to feel as though you’ve had a proper break away from the office.

For others though, an office environment suits them perfectly. It is warm, sociable and accessible with ample opportunity for making hot drinks, and the hours are usually standard allowing us to get into a comfortable routine.


What about those who work for themselves though? Working in the comfort of their own homes from a cosy chair, large desk or wooden easel? Taking breaks when necessary and striving to make their own lives that little bit better as they build their own businesses. Surprisingly, this way of life doesn’t appeal to everyone – not all of us are looking to hone in on our entrepreneurial skills or wish to take on the stress of owning a company. Even working from home can cause undue stress and unnecessary distractions that perhaps wouldn’t be experienced in an office environment.


Like everything, everyone is different. Different people work better in different circumstances and thrive under different scenarios. While working from home fits in perfectly for some, others enjoy the low murmur and tea-making rounds found in an office.

The trick is to find what works best for you and try to make it happen – after all, we spend such a large proportion of our lives working, we may as well make it the best it can be.

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