Our blog archive reminds me of all of the posts that I have written since 2010 – the year that MSL was founded. So much has happened in 5 years. I thought you would enjoy reading a few extracts and by the way, there is a prize for the first person who can put a date next to any of the quotes!
“If you ever walk past our large bow-fronted bottle-glass window you will see small but significant statements: cut-flowers in a glass vase in the window, a ceramic bowl with seasonal fruit, a filled water jug and 8 glasses, a colourful table runner and Semple books on the fire-place. Viewed together they say something very positive about the MSL brand. They tell a story about who we are.”
“I have been preoccupied lately with the mood of MSL and by that I mean the personality of MSL. With this in mind we decided to create a daily mood board. The team agreed to comment on 3 things and send me their points by 5pm each day. They described something that they saw on their way in to work; one thing that they had achieved and one thing about how they felt. Given that I travel overseas quite a lot, the exercise was a way for us all to feel connected. The result has been wonderful. My team wrote in elegant ways to describe their mood and they have inspired and reminded me about their wonderful talents!”
“At MSL we are very clear about our process of decision-making – it is simple and time efficient. It is not a linear process but we usually start with our instincts, what feels right for the values of our brand. We undertake research, present the options of our findings during a team meeting, discussion ensues and research continues.”
“Today I feel a firm affinity with the past as we move towards our future at MSL, housed in 4 Goodwin’s Court, where since the 1690s individual businesses have thrived. The place of MSL in the continuum of Goodwin’s Court is clear. The Post Office Directory of 1855 lists number 2 as occupied by a tailor, 4 and 7 as occupied by specialist cloth dealers, and we might have enjoyed the Old Georgian Coffee House with its steep steps at number 1.”
Thank you for being part of our history and I look forward to shaping MSL’s future with you.