I remember writing a post last year just before I turned 29, all about the prospect of turning 30. It feels as though that year has gone terribly quickly and before I know it, I’ll soon be 30. It seems such a milestone, doesn’t it? The big 3.0. Growing up, it always seemed like such a long way away, and such an age to be.
I dreamt, of course, that I would be married, with children and living in a beautiful house with lots of animals and a dream career. While I don’t necessarily have all the above, I’m more than happy with my lot and certainly wouldn’t change it. It’s funny what you think you’ll achieve when you’re young – and how young you still feel when you reach that ripe old age. I feel no different – not much wiser, or richer or happier, even. I just feel like me. Exactly like I did when I turned 18.
But here we are. A few months away, with many of my friends already clocking over into their 30s, it’s good to take stock. To think about where you are, what you’ve achieved and, perhaps most importantly, what you’d like to achieve. Where you want to be and where you want to go. I’ve heard people say their 30s were better than their 20s – because they knew what they wanted, cared less about what people thought of them, and learnt to let go and enjoy all the beauty that life has in store for us.
The thing is, I’m a terribly nostalgic person. So, I will always look back on my 20s and remember with utter fondness all the memories I made. From graduating to travel, to meeting friends and my boyfriend, to bringing my lovely dog home and of course, being lucky enough to buy a house. In my eyes, turning 30 is simply the start of a new chapter. One that is new and exciting. After all, it’s only what you make it, and it’s all too easy sometimes to forget just how precious life really is. So, here’s to soon turning 30 and making more memories.