Relationships aren’t always easy. It’s not always smooth sailing, love songs and happily ever afters. It’s not always love at first sight and romantic adventures, late nights and date nights. In this world, initially getting together with someone is fairly simple; it can literally be a matter of swiping left or right. In a matter of minutes you can upload a bunch of photos, jotting down what you like to do in your spare time and in the next breath, you could be talking to your ‘match.’

It’s maintaining a relationship and growing together that can be the harder part of the wonderful thing we call love. So here we explore the five elements that make up the main ingredients to a healthy and happy relationship.



Put at the top of the list because it is one of the simplest yet fundamental strengths of any relationship. You are with this person because you want to be with them, you want a future with them. A friend is someone you can confide in, laugh with and cry with. Someone who will be there when you need them and will offer you support, but also tell you when you’re wrong.

The idea of being an elderly couple in your rocking chairs, with the TV on full blast because you can’t hear as well as you could in your 20’s, looking over and seeing your best friend next to you. The person that you have shared your life with and can still make you laugh as much as they did the first night you met is a vision of pure delight. Friendship is one of the biggest bonds between two people.Elderly couple in love


Things can get misunderstood and there are definitely going to be things that both of you disagree on from time to time, but that’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes it’s healthy to have an opposite perspective on things, or to have a good old fashion debate. What isn’t so healthy, is not communicating how something makes you feel. If you are upset over something that was said or you feel angry, hurt, or resentful then you need to communicate this. Bottling things up always only ever makes things worse.


An obvious one. It really is simple: without trust there is no relationship.Love bridge padlock


Respect is an absolute necessary to any relationship. Respect is valuing a person, their opinions, their mind and their body. When you respect someone you want to do right by them. Respect is being thoughtful and mindful of your partner, respect is showing up when you say you will and sticking to your words or promises. Respect is a form of admiration and your partner will likely be one of the most inspiring people in your life. With respect comes consideration and attentiveness.


There’s not enough hours in a day. You’re happy it’s Friday, then before you know it Monday is only a snooze button away. You barely have the time to do the list of things that you have put off for a couple of weeks, so how can you slow down to fit some romance in your already jam packed calendar?Holding hands

Make the time. If a relationship is important to you, you will always find time to fit in some quality time together. This doesn’t have to mean spending ridiculous amounts of money on an expensive dinner. It could be taking a long walk and sitting on a bench. Whatever you fancy doing, just make sure you have some time for you both to isolate yourselves from the rest of the world.

About the author

After graduating with a degree in Publishing, Journalism & Media Tasha spent a term studying Music Journalism and Creative Writing in New York and also took a short course in Fashion & Beauty Journalism at LCF. While on her travels in Australia she jumped 14,000ft out off a plane and passed out half way down (ha!). When she’s not travelling, reading or writing she spends most of her time floating in her own colourful imagination.

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