
dream job
Reaching your late twenties can be a funny time when it comes around. It slowly creeps up you, having spent most of your early twenties planning what you’ll be doing and how you’ll have everything figured out by the time it does. You’ll have the great, well-paid job, the house – albeit with a huge...
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In a world where going to university is often seen as wiser choice compared to opting out, school-leavers can often feel huge amounts of pressure when making the big decision. Throughout secondary school we are very much encouraged to attend university in the future as we all dither on our career options at a young...
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If like me you’ve recently started a new job then, this goes out to you; you are not alone. Your first day is a mixture of that nervous knot of thorns in your stomach and that exciting buzzing in your head. “What if they don’t like me?” “What if I don’t like them!?” “I’m going to...
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I almost quit. I was so close to taking the easy way out, giving up and waving goodbye to a dream that I have tirelessly worked on for so long. I had enough, I was about to give it all up. At the beginning, when you decide on a goal and you plan your pursuit...
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Do you find yourself moaning about your job without really thinking about it? Wondering whatever happened to the dreams of your perfect job? Well what’s really stopping you from achieving it? Now more than ever before there is a wealth of resources at our fingertips that can help us reach our goals. The Internet alone...
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