It’s good to be sociable. Growing up we are invited to birthday party after birthday party. We form big groups of friends that we may take with us as we venture up to high school. It is here that we want to get out of the house, see our friends every evening and fully book our weekends. This carries on, for many of us, as we enter into our early twenties – living for the weekend, as they say – when we can make the most of not being at work during the week.
I’m not sure when the shift happens though. When we’re just as happy staying in as we are going out. Soon the former becomes even more tempting than the latter. It seems as though this preference is happening earlier and earlier now too. If you didn’t want to go out when you were younger it was because you were old and boring. But now, it’s almost become, dare I say, ‘cooler’ to stay in. To get a takeaway and snuggle down to a few episodes (or an entire series) on Netflix. Staying in has become the new going out.
JOMO (joy of missing out) has overtaken YOLO (you only live once). People aren’t afraid to do what makes them happy – there’s no longer a stigma attached to wanting to stay in on a Friday night. Perhaps this is simply because of the age I’ve reached, so I’m only hearing this from others my age, but I think the move in opinion has definitely changed.
People are enjoying their homes more too, perhaps they don’t have as much surplus cash anymore, the TV choices have increased threefold and no one wants to pay £8.25 for a large glass of wine (unless it’s a special occasion).
Whilst I freely profess to always being a little bit old for my time, I admit that I would rather stay in on a Friday night. I’ve had a long week, I’m looking forward to the weekend and I just want to relax. Heading over to friend’s house or the local pub for a quick one is now much more my scene; and it seems I’m not alone.