On Thursday 28 April Marketing Week’s Vision 100 for 2016 was announced. Now in its third year, Marketing Week selects 100 people each year to join a growing group of visionaries. There are now 300 of them and I was delighted to find out that I had been nominated to join the 2016 group. All of us were selected for our ability to meet and overcome challenges and our innovative leadership skills.
For me, meeting and overcoming challenges is what running a business is all about. I just knew that when I set up Semple in 2010, it was the right time to do so. I also knew that I and therefore consumers like me were increasingly looking for products of high quality that were aesthetically pleasing and manufactured with care.  Having such a strong view from the outset did mean that I was able to distance myself from those brands that did not share my vision and align my business with those that did. Being in good company mattered to me then and still does today.
74semple-office-high-res ADJ webThe Semple team
I am surrounded by a team who have enabled me to be innovative in my leadership. They have an uncanny ability to shape my thinking, playback my comments in their own words and adapt their work focus because of unplanned opportunities. They are a dream team of loyal women.
If you take a look at Marketing Week Vision 100 you will see a diverse set of people and that Semple is in the luxury category. You will also see that we are in good company!
maggie semple signature

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