
What would we do without them?

Yesterday I was walking down Oxford Street after having lunch with a close friend that I don’t get to see as often as I would like. A girl, in a rush and carrying a number of paper bags filled with her latest purchases, stopped next to me at the traffic lights waiting for the next opportunity to cross. ‘‘Can I go to Marks party? Thoughts please?’’ she asked a friend on the other side of the phone, her eyes focused as she listened to the response.

As she zoomed ahead of me I thought back to the lunch that I had just had with my friend. I asked for her advice on a number of things, too. I thought about how I always feel so much better after I’ve spent time with any of my close friends and how important friendships are in our lives.

As my friends and I grew up, and other groups drifted apart, we managed to stay close. We were very much still involved in each other’s lives. Nearly every Friday night was girls night. Carly would make enough food to feed us all, twice (which we often ate, twice) and the rest of us would bring a couple of bottles of wine, chocolate and we’d laugh and talk till the early hours of the morning. They were – are – my escapism. My comfort zone.

Fast forward a few years and you realise that all of those people that warned you that as you grow older time will fly by were in fact telling the absolute truth. My family of friends continues to grow with the most adorable little versions of the women that mean the most to me. They make the most wonderful mothers and my respect and admiration for them bursts when I see the bond they have with their children.

Now, in our late 20’s and one marriage, one engagement, houses and four children between us and one on the way, our time together is even more precious. We talk regularly through our group chat and we meet as often as we can, and although I would love to see them more, when you have such valued friendships you just know they will always be there. Like guardian angels, ready to pick you up if ever you fall, and you would do the same for them in a heartbeat.

Friends are the family you choose. They are the ones you confide in, the ones you run to in good and bad times. Friends are the family you choose because even if you had three more lifetimes you would still pick them to share your journey with.

Thank you for being our unbiolgical siblings!

About the author

After graduating with a degree in Publishing, Journalism & Media Tasha spent a term studying Music Journalism and Creative Writing in New York and also took a short course in Fashion & Beauty Journalism at LCF. While on her travels in Australia she jumped 14,000ft out off a plane and passed out half way down (ha!). When she’s not travelling, reading or writing she spends most of her time floating in her own colourful imagination.

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