There’s nothing quite like filling your home with plants. Whether you want them to perk you up or calm you right down there’s greenery to suit all needs.
Adding some foliage to the bedroom has been a very popular trend of late; owing to the calming properties that plants emit, ergo encouraging a more restful and sound sleeping experience.
But we needn’t leave our love for plants at home. Adding a touch of green to your workspace has major wellness benefits too. From boosting productivity to purifying the air, a little potted something, something could really do wonders for your working environment.
But throw in the windowless cubicles, overhead strip lighting and watering schedules that are a job in themselves, and most plant varieties meet an early demise when flung into the 9 to 5 routine. Which makes picking the perfect office plant challenging. But, if chosen correctly, plants can transform your workspace into a more peaceful, tranquil and engaging place to be. So to help you avoid a sad plant cemetery situation here’s our top picks for fuss free horticulture at your desk!
Peace lily
Peace lily plants are tolerant to low light and are known for their air purifying qualities, helping them too remove toxins and create a nicer working environment. Plus, their white buds add a touch a classic beauty to any workspace.
Known as “Mother-in-law’s tongue” or “Snake plant”, it is possibly one of the more sinister sounding plants but its tall leaves make it a striking feature. Plus its hardy nature means this plant can last up to a month without water, survive in low light or be fully exposed to the sun for long periods. It really is a no brainer!
Air plants
One of the trendiest home decor plants these days, you’ll find them just about everywhere. Air plants are the ultimate easy-care plant. In fact, they don’t need soil at all. Simply displayed in jars, on rocks, or whichever vessel you fancy!
Devil’s Ivy
Devil’s Ivy is a type of evergreen vine with large heart-shaped leaves. Available in a variety of light and dark colours, this species adapts well to a variety of office conditions; from low light levels to brighter ones, all while look super trendy.
Much like air plants succulents are fairly durable and don’t require much in the way of care. Spritz with water every few weeks and they will be more than happy at work with you. Plus, their mini sizes mean they won’t take up much space on your desk.
And if you truly are a liability when it comes to all things living, opt for Cacti. Just be sure to keep it where no one will get pricked…ouch!