David Attenborough is probably the most well known and respected wildlife presenter of our time. Throughout his career he has discovered endless facts about creatures all over the world, which we have followed religiously now for years, following his numerous TV series such as Life, Blue planet, Frozen planet and Africa to name a few. Africa was probably my favourite series that he has done, however I may be a little bias as I watched it just before I traveled to Kenya myself. But regardless they are all amazing watches and a lot of that is because of his expertise and knowledge. He really is the king of wildlife. And I am very proud to say that, last week I was lucky enough to meet him at a book signing in Basingstoke.
This is a man that I have looked up to and religiously watched growing up over the years and it’s safe to say that he has taught me a lot about nature and is one of the reasons I am so interested in wildlife. It was an absolute honor to meet such a legend and I couldn’t help being a little star struck. He was of course as polite as I expected and I certainly have even more respect for him (if possible) for sitting for at least two hours signing at least 200 books of avid fans. It’s also certain that he looks incredible for his age, and when he said hello to me in his famous relaxing voice, I had the biggest grin on my face!
If there is anyone that I could have sit and tell me all about their life, it would most definitely be him. To know all of his adventures and the remarkable things he has seen throughout his life is just an inspiration. And for me, adventure is what life is all about. I know for a fact I most likely will not be as big of an adventurer as him, but I would like to think that I will at least have the opportunity to travel to some of the places he has been. I suppose I best get saving!!
By Connie O’Neill