In the last decade we’ve seen a handful of UK cities starting to rival some of the most infamous worldwide coffee driven hotspots such as Paris, Rome, Amsterdam and New York. Café culture is so popular in busy cities, where business men and women rush to make their meetings and friends buzz from shop-to-shop, cafes have become a public space for relaxation, gossip and experience – a break from the everyday hustle and bustle; a moment of quiet amongst the noise.
(Photo by Talia Maguire – at Brew Coffee Company, Bristol)
Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide with Britain spending £730 million on it last year – it’s a luxury we can afford, even in our current economic decline. And with more people stepping away from commercial coffee companies such as Starbucks they’re searching for independent coffee brewers to get their caffeine boost, where the coffee is cheaper! There are now more than ever, an increasing number of independent cafes popping up around the UK delivering tastes of Brazil, Colombia and India. If like me you often find yourself choosing the same coffee everywhere you go, I urge you to break the mould and try something different – yesterday whilst strolling through sunny Bristol I came across an Indian Chai Tea cart…it was delicious, sweet and spicy it felt as if my taste buds were being woken up from their usual Latte slumber. But don’t get me wrong, sometimes you just need your go-to cup of joe to get you through the day, that’s okay too there are plenty of places to get the coffee you crave.
(Photo by Talia Maguire- at Chai Cycle, Bristol)
Recently becoming a fashion statement, it’s rare to see a London commuter without them clutching a take-away coffee cup – caffeine is the new nicotine, although better for you. Did you know coffee counts are part of your fluid intake? It can also lower you risk of cancer and type II diabetes as well as it being an antioxidant – so whether you’re a casual coffee drinker or a self-confessed caffeine addict, it’s an indulgence you can grant yourself. A great café will feel like a friend’s house; welcoming and comfortable, so if you do anything this weekend head to a local, independent café and enjoy a drink made with more love and passion than your usual Venti Soya Vanilla Latte…
(Photo by Talia Maguire – at Roasted Rituals, Bristol)