“Count your blessings instead of sheep” – White Christmas (1954)

Around Christmas time every channel is taken over by companies competing with each other for the title of ‘Best Christmas Advert’. We know Christmas has begun when the ‘Coca-Cola’ advert first plays and we all wait to see what ‘John Lewis’ have come up with. From kitties and penguins to a glimpse of humanity during the war these adverts are trying to pull at our heartstrings and win us over. We pick our favourites and they are talked about by everyone, even in the news (cough).



However these are not the only adverts that appear on our screen over Christmas; we are surrounded by appeals for money from charities here, there and everywhere. We are made to think about those who are less fortunate than us such as the homeless, the elderly and children in horrible situations. There’s no hiding from it; not only are the ads on the TV, but I am approached on the streets, have phone calls and even had charity workers knock on my door.


Like most people, I can only afford to give a little bit of money and feel guilty that I can’t give more. In the past I have done my fair bit of charity; I’ve volunteered, I’ve participated in charity events and I’ve also done some fundraising but it never feels enough. We feel guilty and helpless.

But what charity does do, in a selfish way, is make you appreciate what you do have. I am extremely lucky to have a family who not only love and care for each other but also have fun with each other. Someone you know will have had a rubbish year so let’s start at home and really make it up to each other.

As you grow up, you come across a lot of people who are blind to what they have and believe the world is against them. We need to let go and realize what we have and celebrate it – even though we might forget it sometimes due to stress, work and everything else that is going on. But this Christmas lets really celebrate what we do have. This year, I am spending Christmas day with my direct family only for the first time in years and I couldn’t be more excited. A day full of food, quiz games, wine, cheese and crackers.IMG_87054689325243

IMG_87321503030060Christmas at The King’s is all about Family 

So let’s strip it all back from the commercialisation and the presents and start from scratch. At a time of sharing, lets spare a thought for those less fortunate, give what we can and be proud of it. Every little helps. So in a cliché way tell your family how grateful you are, and what better way of saying it than actually saying it. I love Christmas but not for all the gifts and presents, but for the company I share.

By Britt King

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