With dark mornings and even darker evenings it gives the fashionistas a chance to show off their winter layering skills. Lizzy from the blog Shot From the Street is chic and minimal but by no means boring. Kicking off the week by styling together a long wool coat in a relaxed oversized fit provides the perfect throw on piece that will complete any outfit. Underneath Lizzy has decided on a staple winter wardrobe piece; a turtleneck. A perfect under layer that is classically understated and will keep you warm. If your having a bad hair day or just a lazy day throw on a ribbed beanie like Lizzy here. Wearing a pair of deep red leather leggings rolled up exposing her ankle create the ideal cool girl component. Slip on leather loafers are a brave choice but if you aren’t able to bear numb toes slip on a pair of chunky knit socks and take inspiration from street style stars and AW14 catwalk stars DKNY and The Row.
Coat: Cos / Jumper: Uniqlo / Trousers: Joseph / Shoes: Tibi / Hat: Cos
Meet Lizzy…
What do you do when you’re not blogging?
I study History of Art at Leeds University and I am currently in my final year, which means I am spending most of my time working on my dissertation! Blogging acts as a great break from all the heavy research, so I love coming home in an evening and sitting down with a cup of tea and spending the evening working on my blog.
What interests you?
Most of my interests revolve around fashion, which all feeds back into my blog. I could spend hours scrolling through Tumblr and Instagram finding inspiration for outfits and reading up on the fashion industry news.
What is your motivation everyday?
My daily motivation is to always improve. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I always hope to make things that little bit better! My goal is to blog full time, and seeing more and more people doing that motivates me every day.
Do you have a treasured garment?
Oh yes I have many!! Shoes are my biggest weakness, and I have so many I would never give up. The first pair of designer shoes I ever bought were from Alexander McQueen (I got them on sale for £120, result!!). I still love them now and will have them forever – they marked the beginning of a real shoe addiction! Aside from shoes, my favourite wardrobe item is my black coat from COS. I bought it last season and have never seen one I love as much, it is constantly featured on my blog.
What is your best style advice?
My best advice would be to find your own style, and stick with it. It took me a long time to work out what I liked best, and now I have built up a wardrobe full of items I wear season after season. Of course, it is important to adapt your style and give new things a chance, and that happens inevitably with the ever changing trends. Also, dress for you, not for others or for the latest trends, women who dress in what they feel great in always look the best!
Who is your style inspiration?
Being a blogger means I have so many people who inspire me, as I spend so much time looking at other people’s outfits! If I could pick my three all time style icons it would be Elin Kling, Victoria Beckham and Barbara Martelo. Three flawless women!
Where do you see yourself in ten years time?
I hope to still be blogging, but the rate the blogging world is growing who knows what it will have become in 10 years! I will definitely still be spending my evenings at home with a cuppa and film, and hopefully lots of cats!
What is your biggest highlight in your career to date?
The biggest highlight in my blogging career would definitely be London Fashion Week! I went to my first ever Fashion Week this September, and it was an experience I will never forget! It was like living the dream for five days, and I already can’t wait for the next one.
Which trends will make a return next season?
I don’t follow trends too much, but I think the minimal Scandinavian look is here to stay! Expect to see slides on everyone’s feet again this summer, teamed with a minimal monochrome outfit.
What would you like to be remembered for?
For being kind, a loyal friend, and for an amazing shoe collection of course!
Interviewed by Jessica Wykes