
I had the pleasure of seeing my 6-year old nephew this weekend, and although a common saying, it’s true when they say, kids say the darnedest things. He sat me down, told me to cross my legs and pray to God. I asked if he would mind going first – and while I won’t go...
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Surrounded by photographs and magazine adverts of women looking beautiful with their no-makeup-looks, we are now in an age where we are constantly reminded of what ‘beauty’, on the face of it, looks like. Even growing up, there were the popular and pretty girls at school, surrounded by puppy dog-eyed boys and envious stares. At...
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You can’t Botox your ovaries; it’s a sentence I read the other day that has stuck with me. It’s been playing on my mind and I can’t shake it. The article itself focused on the argument that women should consider starting a family soon after graduating from uni in order to diminish the risk of tackling...
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I was ten years old when I asked my friends to play ‘jump the cloud’ with me. This was a game I’d made up, where I pretended that the painted shapes on the playground concrete were clouds and imagined that the space around them was the sky. But my friends were going on eleven and they were growing...
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After Calvin Klein’s unveiling of Justin Bieber as the new face (and package) of the brand, it has seen an unrelenting backlash that many could have predicted. So is this a fatel mistake of Calvin Klein’s marketing masterminds or is it a clever publicity stunt? Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein © It’s often said that...
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I don’t know about you guys but I am constantly getting pestered to ‘grow up’. Whether its by society or my parents, it is constantly shoved in my face that I am pretty much not at where I’m expected to be in my life. The pressures never end. Of course it would be ideal for...
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