
For as long as we have been falling in love, we have been searching for the most romantic and unique ways in which to express our feelings for each other. Centuries of people trying to understand love and how to portray it so accurately as not to destroy it. It was in 18th century England...
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As you all know it’s the big V day on Saturday. Some of you may be excited, expecting that big bunch of roses to surprise you at work, or some of you may already have romantic evening plans booked months in advance. And then there are those who will bury their heads in the sand...
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As a single woman, my loathing of Valentines Day is more often than not put down to my significant lack of a significant other to share said romantic day with. But contrary to this belief my avid dislike of the pimped up, sugar coated commercial holiday is in fact a lot more deep rooted than...
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It’s the day before London Fashion Week commences which can only mean one thing. Fashionistas everywhere are finalising their wardrobe choices for a week of supple styles, stunning silhouettes and contemporary cuts. Mahtab already has her look down to a t, channeling the urban chic look today with studded flat cap, aviators, laced body and...
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