
When browsing the internet day to day I find that cosmetic promotions and makeup tutorials are absolutely everywhere I look. It seems that the world has become obsessed with makeup products, learning how to apply them and ensuring that they have the best that the market has to offer in order to make themselves feel...
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Looking after your skin is a chore at the best of times and can even be time consuming, however prepping your skin for makeup application makes a huge difference to the end result of your transformation process. When exfoliating try not to use a rough mitt more than every other night as they can actually...
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The majority of people look up to the marvellous brows of Cara Delavigne and it’s easy to see why. However do we all have the confidence to bold up our brows and is bigger really better? Drawing on the perfect brow is something that takes practice and of course you need a good starting point...
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