
While they continue to grow in popularity today, the history behind the humble Espadrille is one that dates back more than 700 years to 1322 when they were considered prime peasant footwear. A French term, the Espadrille still retains much of its old and more traditional characteristics, despite the change in methods and material used....
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I always describe myself as not a big ‘shoe person’. You get those who love their handbags, or spend their money on expensive shoes. Many will attest that a good pair of shoes is what makes a great outfit; and while I agree to a certain extent, I also wish that shoes weren’t always compulsory....
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I can smell it in the air. The flowers are starting to bloom, people are spontaneously smiling, it can only mean one thing…flip flop season is almost upon us. For me there really is nothing better than banishing the boots and prepping my sun deprived feet for a season of sandals. No more awful blisters...
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As we reach the end of the holiday season and look towards a new year and new trends, it seems appropriate to take a look back at the biggest trends of 2014.  A lot can happen in a fashion year but here are some of Semple’s favourites: Sportswear This trend had been around for a...
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