As soon as you unwrap the lustrous foil around a bar of rich chocolate, the irrevocably seductive smell of the cocoa bean intoxicates your senses. The smooth round edges, tempered finish and deep rich colours of chocolate make it the most guilty pleasure in the world. Chocolate celebrates with us when we achieve our goals, it comforts us on cold lonely nights and raises smiles when gifted to someone dear to us. Chocolate really is one of life’s treats that makes our senses sing.

Like most children, Chantal Coady founder of award winning Rococo Chocolates grew up with an obsession for all things sweet, from the chocolate bars themselves to the stories written by some of the worlds most honored authors. The all time favourite, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was Chantal’s go-to story when times fell hard at her boarding school. Escaping to a world of edible grass and thirst quenching milky lakes was her opium, and soon became a pivotal moment in her very own chocolate story.

After a few years experience working with the roster at the Harrods chocolate department, Chantal grasped her chance to start her very own chocolate haven where she could create an “environment that was like a chocolate hug for everyone who walked in”. Having achieved this and so much more, this Monday Chantal was invited to our mews house in Covent Garden for her very own Semple Secrets event with Maggie, to retell the story of her hard working but highly rewarding career as a master chocolatier.

Bringing along her most treasured item of clothing, Chantal also shared with us the fond memories behind a gorgeous, lilac Jasper Conran wrap around dress that tied neatly at the waist with a quaint, feminine bow. The dress accompanied Chantal to many black tie events, where she loved to stand out in attractive pastels. Her Jasper Conran dress was even known to bring out her mischievous streak, particularly on her hen night whereby she danced the night away with past boyfriends. Making us all giggle, Chantal also brought along the most divine pair of Manolo Blahnik’s. Decorated with a striking mint green and daringly high stiletto heels, Chantal’s pair of Manolo’s reminded her of evenings when she was able to leave her work woes behind and dance until dawn with her loving husband, giving them a real sentimental value.

Semple Secrets with Chantal was an evening that left the sweet taste of awe in our mouths. Chantal is a very humble, caring and devoted women to all the main loves in her life – her family, her business and her chocolates. Perhaps the best part of the evening was learning that “a chocolate a day keeps the doctor away!” So ladies, it’s time to unlock the forbidden cupboard of treats and allow yourself a well deserved bite of some real, good quality Rococo chocolates.

Chantal has recently released her best selling book ‘Rococo: Mastering the Art of Chocolate’, which is full of delicious artisan treats for you to make and tuck into at home. It’s a Semple favourite!

Photos by Brett Ashley Bridges

By Marni Banks

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