It’s always a highly anticipated time of year when the early months of midsummer roll around. Sale season commences in our favourite shops and online stores. We look forward to grabbing a bargain or finally purchasing those items we’ve had our eye on for many months.
At the same time though, it’s confusing. When the summer sales begin, the season itself is only starting to make an appearance. The schools have not yet broken up and many of us are still looking forward to our summer holidays. In some respects then, with the sunshine months still ahead of us, these sales actually come at the perfect time.
There are those of us who welcome the sale season when it arrives and others who cannot abide it. The messy rails and battling against flaying elbows and clothes strewn across the floor, or websites crashing with items appearing in stock before you get the pop up telling you otherwise – sale shopping is not for the faint-hearted. It takes motivation, agility and determination. It’s important not to lose your head, not to get carried away or consider everything a bargain because it’s got a grand total of £6.50 knocked off.
For me, the biggest bargains come with those items you wanted – and were willing – to buy at full price. Those are the items to look out for and snap up quickly when sale season begins. Perhaps they haven’t had your size, it’s a costly investment or you simply hadn’t got round to buying it yet – seeing it in the sale only reinforces the urge to buy it.
In all honesty, there are few sales I look forward to. I tend not to look at most for fear of being tempted but instead I keep a little mental list of the pieces I’d like to buy, should they go down in the sale. That way, I don’t get carried away and spend money unnecessarily just because it’s a ‘bargain’.
While sale shopping is different for everyone, and some will always enjoy the thrill of discovering a new bargain, sometimes it’s better to invest in those pieces you perhaps couldn’t justify when they were full price – because it is then that you’ve really found yourself a true bargain!