We can all hold our hands up and say that life is never perfect, and if it was we’d probably all be bored anyway. Because as Ronan Keating once sang, life is a roller coaster, and through all the good there is also the bad, the random, and the downright weird.

Sometimes the things in life that can annoy or baffle us can actually be completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things, so we’ve rounded up some of life’s little annoyances that shouldn’t really exist but do.

Weak cups of tea

Now apologies in advance if you prefer your English breakfast tea on the milky side, but surely shouldn’t it just be a little stronger? There’s nothing worse than when you’re gasping for a good brew and you’re handed a mug full of what can only be described as dirty dishwater! Perhaps it should be added to the school curriculum in Food Technology. After all making a good cup of tea gets you places.

weak tea weak mind

Excessive packaging

Here we are doing our bit and recycling as much of our rubbish as possible, going to such lengths as to even wash up our yogurt pots and tin cans ready for the green bin. And then you purchase something small, maybe your moisturiser, and the box it arrives in is not only big enough to house a small family, but it’s also lost in so many styrofoam wotsits that you’re wondering why you bother recycling in the first place. Seriously people, why all the packaging?

Tampon adverts

Yes we all need them, but who really decided that we needed adverts for them? It’s still awkward enough buying the damn things no matter your age, especially when there’s a hottie on the checkout at the supermarket, but nope! Someone decided that it would be great to continue this awkwardness to your front room. We don’t want to know about leakages when we’re sat in front of the TV trying to enjoy a cup of (strong) tea thank you very much. We’re going to buy them anyway so what are you trying to sell us?

tampax advert


Whether it’s face-to-face or over an email, rudeness is simply never acceptable. Not only does it make the sender look like a meanie, but it just ruins someone’s day. It’s as if some people were born without manners and are now on a mission to inflict unnecessary misery on the population. But turn that frown upside down and reply with a sickeningly sweet reply. It’s their problem not yours!


You know those irritating tiny black bugs that seem to take over as soon as the summer season arrives. What are they and why do they exist? All the other creepy crawlies have a reason for living, but we’re sure midges have just been put on earth to annoy us when we’ve finally got our bodies out for a tan! And it’s never as though they arrive solo, oh no, they come and have a right old party at our expense. If only there was such thing as a British summer without the annoyance of pests.


About the author

Lizzie is a UK Fashion and Lifestyle blogger based in Peterborough. After spending 5 years in the beauty and fashion industry, Lizzie now enjoys sharing her thoughts and experiences on all things, from fashion to fitness. With a life goal of owning a shoe closet that will rival icon Carrie Bradshaw, Lizzie believes that shoes can help women have the confidence to conquer the world!

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