Springtime might have had a very tentative arrival this year but as we get our first nervous glimpse of sunshine it is a reminder that festival season is just around the corner. Come rain or shine, these events wait for no weatherman, so listen closely girls and make a note of these must have items to get you through your chosen festival. Whatever the weather – the show will go on!
For most girls, at any other time of year, the idea of going for two-three days without showering would probably bring you out in a cold sweat. But come festival season the lure of top bands, free-flowing alcohol and the promise of good times becomes too much and we pay top dollar to camp out in a field without plumbing for the weekend. This is a minefield of fashion nightmares; no mirrors, no showers, very little sleep, muddy fields and trying to find outfits that work with wellingtons.
Now if there is one thing we Brits do well it is how we work a wellington. We know that Hunter are the only brand of wellies worth stomping through a field in and lucky for us they come in an array of colours so there is no excuse for clashing.
Next up, your festival wardrobe; we think this year the festivals will be great place to try out the nineties revival (well documented in previous blog posts). Bleached denim, dungarees, crop tops and neon brights lend themselves to the playful atmosphere and, if you can’t stand the thought of wellies, Dr Martens are made for festival fun.
If the nineties are not going to work for you then try an old festival favourite; boho! Yes we may cringe at the word but the truth is bohemia is what festival season is all about, so why not embrace it? Think Kate Moss or Sienna Miller at Glastonbury and always finish off with a pair of Ray-Bans.
By the third day no amount of dry shampoo will salvage your hair do so make sure you’ve taken along embellished headbands to distract people or hide it completely under the hat of this SS13 – the bowler.
Make up wipes, dry shampoo and copious amounts of body spray are going to be the only things that get you safely through the weekend. If the idea of washing with a make-up wipe truly appals you then be a real diva and try glamping but remember to save us a seat by the wood burning stove.
By Samantha Vandersteen