
Skateboarding by nature was always seen as an act of rebellion – taking private spaces and making them into your personal playground to grind, flip and cruise along is a way of reclaiming cities. But over the years it has been diluted by mass media and our governments; by turning it into a sport and building skate parks they have successfully stripped skateboarding of its original meanings.


The skate scene has now been dominated by straight, white men who compete in competitions around the world but it’s out on the streets that you’ll find a whole other side to skateboarding, you just have to look hard enough.


The Brujas are a team of diverse women who skate New York – standing up against what you think a skater should look like and who they should be. For these women skating is more than just a token gesture of female empowerment, it’s about fighting racism, gentrification and capitalism.


Co-founder of the Brujas, Arianna Gil, started skating when she was just 14 but now at 21 and with her sisterhood beside her they are actively making changes within their community. They attend local council hearings, protest for the people and hold workshops as well as an ‘Anti Prom’ for L.G.B.T minorities in their area.


Standing up for what we believe in is becoming increasingly hard; our world and our issues are growing, whilst our voices are being suffocated by the weight and distraction of it all. Making meaningful impact is what the Brujas are all about – using the powers of social media and the internet to portray a new way of living protest and telling their story to inspire others. Step aside Lords of Dogtown, the Queens have arrived.

About the author

Talia has a keen interest in all aspects of media; you’ll find her writing about anything from feminist issues, alternative fashion trends and the hottest films and television programmes of our time. She’s our resident vegetarian who isn’t scared to take a bite out of trending topics and get to the bones of it all. Talia loves photography, caffeine and baking, but you’ll also find her on our Semple Magazine photoshoots filming behind the scenes. And if you’re ever in need of a funny viral video to get you through your working week, she’s your girl!

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