Whether the origins of Christmas link back to Christianity or pagan festivities that celebrated Winter, the truth is that the essence of this holidays has been corrupted by the greedy religion of marketing. In some households, the love of sharing of Christmas Day lasts for just that, one day. If on the 24th children go to bed dreaming that a guy dressed in red will load them with presents, on the 25th adults go to bed convinced that their VISA will make their dreams come true on Boxing Day. There is no doubt, while the little ones believe in Santa, grown ups believe in sales.
In a fast paced commercial world where we are used to demonstrating love in the shape of presents, it is logic to think that finding those presents at a better price will sweeten the deal. And that would be the magic of Boxing Day, if it didn’t arrive one day late. If presents have already been bought, why are we leaving our house on a family holiday to go to the sales?
“I NEED to go to the Selfridges sale this year or even Harvey Nichols afterwards to purchase some ‘investment pieces’ – My husband loves when I use that phrase about clothes” Dina Muscat
“I love to hit the shops I usually can’t afford to hunt for THE bargain and buy one beautiful piece of clothing, like a cocktail dress or a dress coat that I will wear on all of the New Years special occasions!” Laurence Escallier-Lachaup
Those are pretty good reasons but…do we forget that we have just paid double for Christmas presents?
“I avoid Boxing Day sales, mainly because it annoys me that gifts I’ve bought people for Christmas are a lot cheaper!!! I would rather not see the damage I’ve done to my bank account!” Louise Carpenter
Retailers want us to get involved in this game and we are playing it. For this season, The Telegraph reported that even Christmas Day would be contaminated by the anxiety that discounts awake “Millions of Brits are expected to start browsing the sales online on Christmas Day itself spending an estimated 228 million as stores launch their sales early”.
Sales are good for the economic system and brands and customers nourish each other to keep the ball rolling. However, do we need to tint Christmas with them? The incongruity of the system is what makes me wonder; we pay lots for Christmas presents and get even more materialistic on the day after…at a discounted price of course!
Why don’t we enjoy what we have already received? Think for a second, cooking with mum and dad, decorating the table with your sisters while listening at grandma telling stories from the past is worth more than getting a designer piece at 50% off.
“I prefer to stay warm and cosy at home with family and friends” Francesco Tius
“I never feel the need to buy in the Boxing Day sales, in my house Boxing Day is bigger than Christmas Day, we have a big family party!” Tamara Castelli
Let’s shape the future of Christmas with the values of love. Happy Boxing Day!!
By Laura Roig Vericat