A good handbag will never go out of style. Like a best friend, it will take everything you throw at it, hold all your secrets and just get better with age. That is why we believe there is no point scrimping when it comes to that all important handbag purchase. So take your time, plan it carefully and look no further than Florian.
Luxury handbag label Florian London is hitting all the right notes with its contemporary, chic collection. The last few seasons have seen a move away from the slouchy, relaxed styles of recent years back to classic, boxy, structured bags; bags that are made to last. These bags will fit your life into them. Small bags are all well and good if you are going to be balancing cocktails, but if you can’t leave the house in the morning without your phone, iPad, diary, a spare pair of shoes and a snack then you need a bag that can keep up with you.
The best quality skins and materials are sourced and then expertly crafted to create beautiful, hardworking bags that will look effortlessly chic. From the shopper bag to the elegant totes, Florian has created a capsule collection of classic bags that will work with any outfit and lifestyle.
From the oversized City bag, which is perfect for all your work life essentials to the chic, boxy Middleton that is fit for Royalty, there is more than enough to satisfy even the worst case of bag lust. The small yet perfectly formed collection will leave you wanting one of each style in the full range of colours.
Prices range from £170 to £300 and reflect the quality of the bags. Okay, so your partner might baulk at paying anything over £30 for a bag but if you are looking for an investment piece the cost-per-wear makes it a bargain; and that’s the kind of maths we like.
By Samantha Vandersteen