
work life
There’s a famous quote that says “choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” and while that might very well be true, I believe that sometimes there’s merit to working a job you hate; at least for a while! The allure of following our dreams, of waking up each...
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At the age of 20, the career I have ahead of me is inevitably exciting. As an ambitious person I am forever excited by the potential opportunities that await me and this is what motivates me to work harder day by day. But inevitably as we grow older, some of us are faced with an...
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The debate around dressing for work hit the headlines last month, with high heels taking centre stage. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) came under fire for sending temporary receptionist Nicola Thorp home for not wearing shoes with the required ‘two to four inch heel’. The debate erupted in the press and on social media, culminating with Julia Roberts leading...
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We all spend so much time working and trying to make a success of our lives in one way or another that it can sometimes feel like a work to life balance is a mythical story. But the truth is, the rat race can leave us feeling exhausted, ill and even really unhappy. Despite the many...
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