
Perfecting an enviable face of makeup can often be a tricky task, fraught with everyday little hiccups that we just can’t seem to master. So in a bid to make the daily makeup routine that little bit simpler here are six expert solutions to the most common beauty problems… Concealer and Eye-shadow Creasing Eyeshadow Primer...
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The more I experience life, the more I realise how important it is for someone to have someone else to talk to. This may seem like a very simplistic observation, but it is one that is not always acted upon. A conversation can be a powerful tool that can inspire, ignite change, challenge an idea,...
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When a new season begins so to do the new trends, and as much as we find ourselves hoping to hit the refresh button and insert some fashion forward pieces into our wardrobes, there are some trends that only serve to create fashion problems. Of course there are never any rules in fashion but we...
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Yesterday I just had one of those mornings. I was running late, I ripped a hole in my tights and I forgot my umbrella. Rain pouring and coat over my head, trying to talk to my boyfriend on the phone while running, in heels, for shelter, I was fed up. I was fed up with...
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